HYGIENE CONCEPT Alter Gasometer e.V. Zwickau as of: 03.02.2023
Legal basis
Saxony’s state government passed a new corona protection ordinance on 01.02.2023. It is to apply from February 3, 2023 to April 7, 2023. From that day on, there will be no more state-owned corona protection measures in Saxony. The isolation obligation for henceforth or hitherto Corona-positive tested people will be lifted, as well as the remaining Saxon mask and testing obligations.
As of Feb. 3, in addition to the isolation requirement, the mask and test requirements mandated by the Federal State will be eliminated in community facilities for refugees and the homeless, women’s, children’s and men’s shelters, and in correctional facilities.
However, the wearing of masks is recommended in public transport and in indoor areas accessible to the public if the distance cannot be maintained.
The uniform federal masking and testing requirements, on the other hand, continue to apply:
- Access to hospitals and care facilities is subject to mandatory FFP2 masks and mandatory testing.
- Wearing an FFP2 mask is mandatory for patients and visitors in medical practices, dialysis facilities, day clinics, etc.
Our hygiene concept is continuously updated on the basis of current legal requirements.
Please act prudently in accordance with the regulations and follow the instructions of our employees on site. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Corona protection for events. 2
After the first lockdown in March 2020, the association began from May 20, 2020 with the gradual resumption of project and event activities. Based on the general regulations of the Federal State of Saxony (SächsCoronaSchVO of originally May 12, 2020) as well as the specific regulations in the district of Zwickau, a hygiene concept was developed by the association for its offers.
On the basis of the respectively valid Saxon Corona Protection Ordinance, the associated hygiene requirements and the respectively valid general decree of the Zwickau district, a dynamic adaptation of our hygiene concept for the Alter Gasometer Association takes place.
- The opening, use and operation of stores, facilities, businesses, events and other offers is permitted in compliance with the provisions of the SächsCoronaSchVO.
- All commandments and rules that currently apply in public life are, as far as possible, also to be implemented within the Alter Gasometer Association and its offerings.
- As an association, operator and employer, we regularly carry out risk assessments. Workplaces, consultations, etc. are designed according to current requirements. Supporting digital possibilities are to be used as a priority.
Corona protection at the workplace
- Risk analysis: As an employer, we weigh the protective measures to be taken for employees based on the regional infection incidence. Until further notice, the following regulations apply within the association for employees:
- Minimum distance: Currently no legal regulation.
- Masks: In our workplaces, employees are currently not required to wear face masks and/or FFP2 masks.
- Access regulations: Currently no legal regulation.
- HomeOffice: Previous Corona regulations no longer apply. Individual regulations are to be coordinated with the managing director and communicated in the employee app by the administration.
- Appointments of employees, members of the association, network groups, etc.
- Currently no legal regulation.
- (out-of-town) appointments are to be carried out in a resource-saving manner
Corona protection at events
- General
As of 03.02.2023, there are no longer any state-owned corona protection measures in Saxony. The following hygiene standards will continue to apply in the association.
- Desinfection
- Disinfectant dispensers are still available to visitors and employees in the sanitary facilities and all event rooms and areas.
- In addition, hand soap dispensers, reusable towels and disposable towels and/or dryers are located in the restroom facilities.
- The event and project rooms or areas are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after the event. The cleanings are documented in the form of a cleaning plan and checked by the event manager before each event.
- Note: General cleaning, disinfection is done by the building cleaner and volunteer services. The documentation takes place in the previous lists in the administration. For the event and project rooms and areas, the respective departments are responsible for the implementation of the procedure and documentation described above.
Other documentation, e.g. cooling chambers, is checked and documented as usual and filed with the technical manager on a weekly or monthly basis.
- Toilet rooms are checked regularly and, in the case of longer events or increased visitor numbers, are also cleaned during the event.
- Ventilation, air purifiers and CO2 indicators
- CO2 indicators are used in all offices, multi-purpose rooms and function rooms.
- Doors and windows remain open as much as possible during the warmer months – as long as this does not contradict other laws (e.g. fire protection, hygiene, data protection).
- All rooms are regularly ventilated. The event hall is also equipped with a ventilation system (no air conditioning and 100% fresh air) and skylights, which must be switched on or can be opened.
- The ventilation system in the event hall exchanges used air with fresh air from outside between 9,500 m³/h and 12,000 m³/h, respectively a complete air exchange takes place in the event hall up to 3 times an hour. In the cold season, heat can be supplied to the outside air by the heating system.
- During the period of October to April applies:
- Cross ventilation: It is best to provide a proper draught. If two opposite windows are opened wide, the room air can quickly escape and is replaced by fresh air.
- Power ventilation: Where cross-ventilation is not possible, at least one window should be opened wide for several minutes.
- Ventilate frequently: ventilate rooms where many people congregate as often as possible, up to five times an hour.
- In all the rooms described, a manual recommends the correct use of the CO2 indicators and proper ventilation.
- In workrooms, the CO2 concentration should not exceed 000 ppm – ppm is the abbreviation for the unit of measurement “parts per million”. For comparison: In fresh air outside, the CO2 concentration is 400 ppm.
- Above 1,000ppm, the ventilation instructions (see above) should therefore be applied.
- Air purifiers of the type PHILIPS AC 2887/10 are used in all offices, in the consulting room and in the multi-purpose room. The employees are required to operate these devices in automatic virus mode (see operating instructions), at least when two people are working in the room. The devices are mobile and can therefore also be used temporarily in consulting rooms of up to 80 square meters.
- Staff
- All employees are instructed on the concept. Current changes are communicated via appropriate team meetings and the employee app.
- We will provide sufficient staff to ensure professional support (e.g. pedagogical offers) within the offers on the one hand, and on the other hand, compliance with the hygiene rules of this concept can be controlled by the staff present.
- The event manager or the employee on duty instructs all employees in detail about the hygiene regulations before each event/measure and can be contacted at any time during the event as a central contact person.
- Hygiene information, instruction, documentation
- Clearly visible hygiene information in the form of notices/posters and, if possible, digital screens will be displayed at all access points to facilities, rooms and areas. This is communicated in advance via our homepage, social media channels and in program booklets.
- All employees and contributors are instructed in detail about compliance with current hygiene regulations before each measure. The managing director carries out this instruction in the weekly team meetings. In addition to these meetings, information and instruction is provided in the employee app.
- For the respective work teams, the respective department manager and/or event manager is responsible for passing on the information, instruction and implementation.
- The documentation takes place on the one hand in the office and the respective work departments, in particular in the:
- cultural department
- democracy department
- Youth club Gasometer
- Youth club Historic Village
- Youth club Kirchberg
- In particular, the following shall be documented:
- Hygiene and cleaning intervals
- Instructions and briefings with signature
You can read, print or download the HYGIENE CONCEPT as a pdf (in german) here.