It is one of the most important tasks of our time to adapt our life and work and the associated energy and resource consumption to the planetary limits.

Many sociocultural centers are very conscious of their human and financial resources and include the topic of sustainability in their program planning. However, there is often enough room for improvement, for example in the energy balance of the building or in decisions about acquisitions. This may be because many centers do not own the building or are bound by requirements set by the funding agency. Nevertheless, we must work to ensure that sustainability is firmly anchored in socioculture and that the appropriate conditions are created.

The transformation of our lifestyles and the way we do business requires changes in organizations through targeted and controlled management. For socioculture, this means establishing structures within their organizations that allow processes to be systematically recorded and controlled using appropriate indicators. Sustainability management provides the information that helps to systematically act in a more sustainable way. In addition, a person or a team in the organization should be responsible for the development of goals and measures with which the transformation process can succeed, as an internal sustainability manager.

The Alter Gasometer association would like to focus more on this topic and develop a plan of action for sustainability management.

The first step will be to acquire knowledge and qualify employees.